I think with a lot of things in life, what you’re exposed to at a young age can really bake into the passions that you follow later on.
Our family had a lot dogs and I grew up around both pet and working dogs so, naturally, I have always had a strong interest in this area.
My father was a NZ Police Dog Handler for 16-years, my grandparents had a wide range of dogs from farm dogs, terriers and through to your working breeds like Rottweilers.
“Fast-forward to 2009 and I find myself living in Sydney, Australia with a small pack of Boxers. Two of which I had raised from pups (Noa and Jijo) and another that I rescued from the pound (Sam) – all great dogs.
Cruising around with a well behaved pack, you can draw a lot of attention and I started to have people ask me if I could train their dog.
By this point I had already helped a lot of friends and friends of friends with their dogs.
Then, Nojo was created. A dog training service helping owners develop pups or remedy issues with older dogs.
In 2015 I stepped back from offering services in Sydney and decided to devote my resources to helping dog rescues offshore.
This adventure saw me rotate back and forth to places like; Bali, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore and the Cook Islands.
I gained some incredible experience volunteering in these places and got to see and do things that I would not get a chance to in Australia.
In 2022 I wanted to give back to local rescues and started fostering dogs through Maggie’s Rescue again.
I have always likes Maggie’s Rescue – I was one of their original foster carers, I have been a member of the board and I know the organisation well.
Within a 12-month period i fostered 6-dogs, adopted two of them, Mum and Batman.
Our services today cover; pack work, puppy development and obedience training.
The best place to view our work is on our Instagram Stories.
Thanks – Murray

Our Dogs

Mum and six other dogs were rescued off a farm where they had started shooting the dogs.
She arrived with us, originally as a foster dog, heavily pregnant and two weeks later had a litter of pups.
She is very social, active and easy to train.

Bully Mix
Batman comes from a litter of 11. All of who were surrendered to the rescue.
He was originally a foster dog with us, but when he turned 9-months old he became a permanent resident.
Batman loves to work and thrives with physical and mental challenges.

Shadow comes from the renowned ‘Ashlaren Weimaraners’ and her parents are champion show dogs.
Shadow is very athletic and very social. She is a great dog to have in the team for socialisation for both young and old dogs.